The Black Phone 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the 2021 horror thriller The Black Phone, directed by Scott Derrickson and based on Joe Hill’s short story. In the first film, we follow Finney Shaw, a young boy abducted by a masked man known as “The Grabber,” played by Ethan Hawke, who traps him in a soundproof basement. Finney discovers a mysterious black phone in the room that allows him to communicate with the previous victims of The Grabber, who guide him in his attempts to escape.
While no official plot details for The Black Phone 2 have been confirmed, fans expect it might further explore the unsettling supernatural elements introduced in the first movie or expand on The Grabber’s disturbing backstory. Considering the success of the first installment, it’s likely that the sequel will bring back its tense, suspense-filled atmosphere, potentially focusing on new characters or perhaps on a survivor’s journey after the events of the original.
Since The Black Phone received critical acclaim and became a sleeper hit, hopes are high for the sequel to deliver more chills, possibly building on the twisted lore surrounding The Grabber and the mysterious black phone.