Disney continues its live-action adaptations of beloved animated classics, announcing the development of Moana. The film brings back Dwayne Johnson as Maui, the larger-than-life demigod, while Zendaya takes on the titular role of Moana, the determined Polynesian teenager who sets out on a daring adventure to save her people.
Since its release in 2016, Moana has become a modern Disney masterpiece, celebrated for its empowering story, rich cultural roots, and unforgettable music. The live-action version promises to maintain the spirit of the animated original while introducing fresh perspectives and breathtaking visuals. The project is said to blend cutting-edge technology with authentic cultural storytelling, showcasing the stunning landscapes of the Pacific Islands like never before.
Dwayne Johnson, who voiced Maui in the animated film, expressed his excitement about reprising the role. “Maui holds a special place in my heart, as does my Polynesian heritage,” Johnson said in a statement. “To bring this character to life in a new way is an incredible honor.”