OM is an action-packed psychological thriller that revolves around the protagonist, Om, a brave and strong soldier, played by Aditya Roy Kapur. Om is an elite soldier who, after a dangerous mission, loses his memory and struggles to recover his past. However, during his search for the truth, he uncovers a series of hidden secrets related to himself and those around him.
The story begins when Om is reunited with Kunal (played by Sanjana Sanghi), a woman with a deep connection to his past. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the truth, aiming to find out the real reasons behind strange events and the looming dangers they face. Along the way, Om not only faces dangerous enemies but also battles with himself, as his memories of the past become increasingly unclear and fragmented.
Gradually, Om realizes that he is not the only one of his kind. His people are divided between those who want to fight for their freedom and those who have lost hope. Furya becomes not just a homecoming for Om, but a battle for the soul of his people. The central conflict builds around his attempt to unite the surviving Furyans against the oppressive alien forces. Along the way, Om also confronts his own demons, grappling with his violent past and his role as both destroyer and savior.