Formula 1 world championMax Verstappenhas escalated his ongoing feud withDamon Hill, demanding that the former driver and punditapologizeand “keep quiet” after recentcritical remarksabout Verstappen andOracle Red Bull Racing. If Hill refuses, Verstappen has hinted at possiblelegal actionfordefamation and libel, potentially involving theFIA and the courts.The dispute is the latest in a series of conflicts betweenRed Bull, Verstappen, and members of the F1 media, with Hill emerging as one of Verstappen’s most vocal critics.Verstappen’s Ultimatum to Hill
Verstappen, a three-time world champion, has made it clear that he isunwilling to let Hill’s remarks slide. Reports indicate that Verstappen believesHill’s recent statements have crossed the linefrom analysis intodamaging accusations, harming both his reputation and that of Red Bull.“I’ve had enough of these baseless claims,”Verstappen reportedly said.“People can have opinions, but when those opinions turn into false accusations, that’s not acceptable. Damon Hill needs to keep quiet and apologize. Otherwise, I will take legal action.”While Verstappen hasnot publicly detailed which specific comments he is referring to, Hill has beenconsistently criticalof Verstappen’s racing tactics and Red Bull’s conduct. His latest remarks includedaccusations that Red Bull refuses to accept criticismand thatVerstappen would “cry like a 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦”if aggressive racing moves were used against him.Legal Threats: Could Verstappen Take Hill to Court?
Whiledefamation lawsuits are rare in sports, Verstappen’s threat suggests that he andRed Bull Racingbelieve Hill’s words have caused measurable harm. If pursued, alegal casecould revolve around whether Hill’spublic statements were factual analysis or damaging falsehoods.UnderFIA regulations, teams and drivers are expected to uphold the sport’sreputation and integrity, and it is possible thatRed Bull could involve the FIA in the dispute. However, anycourt case would likely fall under civil law, with Verstappen needing to prove that Hill’s remarks werenot only false but also harmful to his career and reputation.It is also unclear ifSky Sports—Hill’s former employer—could become involved in the legal proceedings. Sky Sports hasalready distanced itself from Hill, releasing a statement thanking him for his contributions but not addressing his ongoing conflict with Verstappen and Red Bull.Damon Hill: A History of Red Bull Criticism
Hill, the1996 F1 world champion, has never shied away from criticizing Verstappen. He has accused Red Bull offailing to rein in Verstappen’s aggressive racing style, particularly in incidents with drivers likeLando Norris and Lewis Hamilton.Hill’smost recent commentssuggested that Red Bull acts as if they are the“toughest team on the grid”but then“cry about it”when faced with media scrutiny.“Red Bull fight their corner very forcefully, and they don’t like criticism of Max,”Hill toldThe Telegraphearlier this week.He also suggested that Verstappen enjoys“carte blanche”to push the rules, with Red Bullshielding him from consequencesrather than holding him accountable.Hill has yet to respond publiclyto Verstappen’s demand for an apology. However, given his history of speaking his mind, an apologyseems unlikely—which could mean a prolonged public battle between the two F1 figures.What Happens Next?
Whilemany F1 feuds are settled on the track, this one could take anunprecedented turn into legal territory. If Verstappen proceeds with hisdefamation and libel case, it could set a major precedent for how media criticism and driver conduct are handled in F1.Some insiders believe that Verstappen’slegal threat is more of a warning shotthan an actual lawsuit in the making. By calling for an apology, Verstappen may be looking toforce Hill to retract his statementswithout going through a lengthy legal battle.However, if Hilldoubles downon his stance, Verstappen mayfollow throughwith his lawsuit—turning an already heated rivalry into afull-scale legal fight.With the2025 F1 season approaching, all eyes will be on whether this controversyimpacts Verstappen’s focuson winning hisfifth world championshipor if it remains a war of words between two outspoken figures in the sport.