The official trailer for Drishyam 3 has finally dropped, and it promises to be a thrilling continuation of one of the most iconic suspense franchises in Indian cinema. With Ajay Devgn reprising his role as the sharp, calculating Vijay Salgaonkar, the film takes the story to even greater heights of tension and intrigue. Directed by Abhishek Pathak, Drishyam 3 builds on the explosive success of its predecessors, offering a perfect mix of mind-bending twists, emotional depth, and high-stakes drama.
The trailer reveals that Vijay’s quiet life is once again turned upside down, this time with new challenges that threaten to unravel the secrets he’s worked so hard to protect. Tabu returns as the determined and relentless IG Meera Deshmukh, whose pursuit of justice for her family seems more personal than ever. With the addition of Akshay Khanna to the cast, the film teases a new layer of mystery, as his character appears to be investigating the ever-elusive truth behind the Salgaonkar family’s tangled past.