1. We Did Absolutely Crazy Things on the Swings.
2. Sunday Afternoons Weren’t for Rest and Relaxation.
3. Picnic Anywhere.
4. It Took Some Muscle to Find Get to Your Favorite Radio Show.
5. You Had to De-Frost the Freezer.
6. Listening to the Night’s Radio Programs.
7. Baths in Metal Tubs.
8. Before There Was Target or Wal-Mart.
9. Sewing.
10. Merry-Go-Rounds Were Spiraling Injury Machines – and We Loved Them!
11. When You Run Out of Money, You Make Clothes from What You Have.
12. Television Stopped at Midnight.
13. Home Economics Class.
14. Sometimes Your Food Came on Skates.
15. Christmas Started When the Sears Catalog Came.
16. Finding Your Friends’ Phone Number in a Book.
17. The Local Fair Was a BIG Deal!
18. Not Everyone Had a Car – Some Just Had Horses!
19. You WERE the Remote Control!
20. Christmas Displays Downtown.
21. You Needed Two Keys for Each Car.
22. Shoes for Easter.
23. Passing Notes in Class.