The iconic television series “Baywatch,” which aired from 1989 to 2001, remains a cherished memory for many fans around the world. Originally canceled after its first season, the show found a second life in syndication and ultimately became the most-watched series globally, boasting an audience of over 1.1 billion viewers weekly. Today, we take a nostalgic look back at the main cast members, highlighting their journeys since the series concluded.
Alexander Paul, who played Stephanie Holden, is now 60 years old and has transitioned into roles as an actress, model, and health coach, with her latest appearance in the 2023 film “Baby Steps.” Michael Bergen, known for his role as JD Darius, is now 54 and has expanded his career into real estate, while still acting, as seen in the 2021 thriller “The Wrong Valentine.” David Chokachi, who portrayed Cody Madison, is 56 and recently starred in the 2022 film “Trailblazers.”
Electra, playing Lanny McKenzie, has continued to shine as a multi-talented artist, appearing in “Good Burger 2” in 2023 at the age of 51. Similarly, Kelly Packard, who was April Gumminsky, is now 49 and featured in the crime thriller “Family Vanished” in 2018.
Notably, Pamela Anderson, who captured hearts as CJ Parker, is now 56 and appeared in the horror-thriller “Alone at Night” in 2022. David Hasselhoff, the emblematic Mitch Buchannon, is 71 and continues to engage audiences, most recently in the German comedy thriller series “Z Network.”
As we reflect on the journey of these actors, we see a blend of continued success and varied pursuits in their careers. The legacy of “Baywatch” not only lives on through its memorable characters but also through the impressive paths taken by its cast members. Who were your favorite characters from the show? Share your thoughts and let’s celebrate the enduring impact of “Baywatch.”