Even though I love Squid Game, I’m really happy that season 3 will be the show’s final run of episodes, and it’s an example that I think many other projects could learn from. As with many other viewers, I was devastated to be left with a cliffhanger at the end of Squid Game season 2, but I’m also very thankful that Netflix isn’t hanging around with Squid Game season 3. It’s one of the best shows on Netflix, and it deserves all the attention it’s getting so long after the end of Squid Game season 1.
However, I don’t want any more Squid Game episodes after the upcoming run. It’s not that the show has declined in quality. In fact, I’ve been thoroughly impressed by season 2’s innovative reworking of what could have been an easily replicable premise. There’s another, very specific, reason why I think it’s brilliant that Squid Game season 3 will serve as the show’s final farewell. I know there are others who won’t agree, but I’m certain Netflix is making the right call.